quinta-feira, 4 de março de 2010



Editors: Anne Wagner, Jixian Pang and Cheng Le

The phenomenon of multiculturalism has become a crucial issue, especially when Nation, Identity and Multiculturalism are concerned. Over the years, this theme has become prevalent in many countries (for instance in Switzerland recently with the Minarets) even though this issue is not new at all.
Countries are composed of different cultures, religions and practices that have lived together in the colonial periods and even after leading to the use of different legal systems. This multiculturalism thus questions the relations between Nations and Identities with the unavoidable question of freedom of religion and the principle of equality. A harmonized culture is questionable (see the case of “National identity debate” in France).
This duality in nature implicitly conveys the cultural ecumene where the legal reality is “rather an unsystematic collage of inconsistent and overlapping parts” (Griffith 1986, 4). However, exchange processes operate at different levels where unity and fragmentation join to negotiate and find transitional spaces:
We live in a time of porous legality or legal porosity, multiple networks of legal orders forcing us to constant transitions and tresspassings. Our legal life is constituted by an intersection of different legal orders, that is, by interlegality. (Boaventura de Sousa Santos, 1995, 473).
This dual nature – unity and fragmentation – is not a new mask indeed, but a “powerful tool for social manipulation” (Deacon 1997: 428). Tolerance is harmony in difference (Unesco’s Declaration of Principles on Tolerance).
We invite contributors to reflect on the growing importance of NATION, IDENTITY AND MULTICULTURALISM in our international community and how these main ideas have been examined over the years. Papers, which examine the ways ‘actors’ in our society (legislators, politicians, activists, movie producers, singers, painters, graffiti artists, photographers etc.) have provoked public discourse to confront Nations, Identity and Multiculturalism, are particularly welcome.

Some of the main axes of research could deal with:
Approaches towards Identity, Nation and Multiculturalism,
What is Identity? (civil, religious, legal identities)
Political institutions and their roles over these issues,
How to best describe a Nation? Is Multiculturalism the answer?,
Identity and Citizenship in the legal, political and work spheres,
Identity and Multiculturalism in Literature and Arts,
Nation, equality of treatments (anti-discrimination laws, evolution of legislation due to societal changes),
Education, school and social integration.

Publication process
1. A special issue of the International Journal for the semiotics of Law,
2. An edited volume consisting of a selection of papers on the theme of the volume.

Deadlines for the publishing process
First draft submissions: 31 May 2010
Editorial decisions: 31 August 2010
Revised paper submissions: 30 September 2010

The length of the paper should not normally exceed 7000 words, including references, footnotes, and appendices, if any.

Proposals in English should be sent by e-mail both to Anne Wagner at valwagnerfr@yahoo.com and to Cheng Le at chengle163@hotmail.com

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